Welcome to the Blog! Wait - What happened to the newsletter?
In late July/early August, with Lendell Nolan leaving Grace (and Sean taking on responsibility for the web page, the Class 401 team, and needing to concentrate on Developing Leaders), it became apparent that I needed something LESS time consuming like doing lay-out editing on paper. That, AND I found that the vast majority of people read the on-line version. So as of August 2, 2019, no more paper copies.
Here's what hasn't changed - our Vision: that every Grace Member and regular attender be better equipped as a disciple through encouraging and comprehensive content.
Fine. But where did "blog" come from? It comes from the mating of two words: web and log, an online journal that displays information (called “posts”) in reverse chronological order, with the latest post appearing first.

Grace's Fall Focus
Take a look at our culture today and you will be forced to conclude something has gone wrong. Somewhere along the way, the train jumped the tracks. Our world is off course. What the world calls “normal” just isn’t working. Our world is broken.
So, this fall Grace is “going weird” because normal isn’t working! This is the title of our fall campaign. We will be using the resources created by pastor and author Craig Groeschel. Every participant will be encouraged to read his engaging book, “Weird: Because Normal Isn’t Working.” Our small groups will also be using his video materials.
The five-week campaign will tackle five key areas where we need to learn to be weird: Time, Money, Relationships, Sex and Values. The Sunday sermons will introduce the topic for the week. Then our daily readings in the book and our weekly small groups will take us deeper into each topic and what God’s Word has to say.
Get ready to be challenged. Get ready to be encouraged. Get ready to Be Weird!
Welcome our Weird New Members
On June 30th, we had 30 new members join Grace Community Church! Let’s welcome:
Bill Anderson
Joe and Joyce English
Robert and Kimberly Gonzalez
Katrina Hall
Ryan and Charlynn Lucito
Jim and Bella Roberts
Rick and Tammy Smith
Rob and Karla Stinehart
Loraine Van Dyke
Gloria Vasquez.
If you see them, talk to them! Invite them to sit with you or take them out to lunch!

September 6-7, 2019
Weird Marriage: “The Heart of Communication” September 6-7, 2019
The top five challenges to marriage in the first quarter of the 21st century are: Finances, Raising teens, communication, busyness and disappointment. But when it comes down to it, the key to neutralizing or lessening the effects of those factors boils down to one thing: communication. Think about it: communication is not just a part of marriage, it IS the marriage! It's not just talking at your spouse or even talking with your spouse. It is working on being unified in purpose and intent. It is to commune – it’s the root word, in fact.
So what does it take to build the community God intends for you and your spouse? Optimize your marriage by optimizing the one key that changes everything!
Come spend a weekend in the cool of the Ruidoso mountains! Enjoy an enchanting evening at the Sanctuary by the River, followed by the inspiring teaching of Joe and Kerry Vivian, who for the past 29 years, have been learning incredible Biblical insights to building a marriage of honor and blessing to each other.
The cost is $110 per couple. Lodging and meals for Saturday are your responsibility.
FRIDAY, September 6
This year, we'll be heading back to an enchanted evening of celebrating each other with a wonderful dinner and beautiful surroundings.
SATURDAY, September 7
Joe and Kerry will be teaching and giving us tools for unlocking the greatest assets of our marriage: communication.
Click HERE for more information and to register!